I wish I had money. If I did then I would buy this for my dad, who loves Steve McQueen and cars. This is the racing suit from the 1971 film, Le Mans. (Yes, thats right, not only has something relating to sport made it onto the blog, but its something to do with motor racing - which doesn't involve the only thing that gets me watching sports - which is the chance to shout offensive things at TV which I don't really understand) The suit has come up for auction and is expected to raise €200,000 - €300,00 when it goes under the hammer.
Although motor racing 'enthusiasts' reckon it could go for a lot more then this...his 1970s porsche 911 S sold for €1.25 million earlier this summer. Which is more then my pocket money could manage - sadly. Although I am more likely to be found knee deep in McQueen at Brown Thomas if I had that amount of money going spare.....
The suit was originally given to a fan following a competition run by the Observer in 1971 but has been described (by the nerdy motor racing sites I had to look at in order to find information on it) as the 'Holy Grail' of motor racing film memorabilia. I wish I had a spare few pennies to buy this for my dad. I know he'd get a kick out of it!
If your the type with a few spare pounds - then the auction is on 15th -17th of December....good luck!
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