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Wiper Party Officially Ditches NASA, Kalonzo Announces New Coalition

NASA principals Raila Odinga, Musalia Mudavadi, Kalonzo Musyoka and Moses Wetangula.

Wiper Party on Monday 26th July 2021 announced its decision to withdraw from the  National Super Alliance (NASA) for One Kenya Alliance (OKA).

Wiper Party on Monday 26th July 2021 announced its decision to withdraw from the  National Super Alliance (NASA) for One Kenya Alliance (OKA).

Among the parties that formed the NASA coalition include Orange Democratic Movement (ODM), Wiper Democratic Movement (Wiper), Amani National Congress (ANC), and FORD-Kenya.

Addressing the press, Wiper Party leader Kalonzo Musyoka declared that they had reached the decision to exit NASA after long deliberations.

"We've had a very useful consultation as wiper democratic movement culminating in our decision to exit NASA and welcome a new formidable coalition. The coalition in my view will be spearheaded by the One Kenya Alliance (OKA).

"We are cognizant of the current political environment. One Kenya Alliance comprises of Wiper, Ford Kenya, ANC, and Kanu, we are open to receive and work with other like-minded political formations," the former Vice President stated.

Wiper officials during the presser.
He added that going forward One Kenya Alliance (OKA) would be working with Jubilee and even welcomed ODM to join them in forming the coalition.

"We are not killing NASA and killing ODM at the same time," Kalonzo stated.

The Ex-VP also told the press that he had received a signed letter from ODM leader Raila Odinga agreeing to share the political parties funding.

Prior to the announcement by Kalonzo, the sharing of NASA money among the coalition member parties had become a thorn in the flesh, with ODM being accused of starving other parties.

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