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And so my fingers are typing out another sentence.  One more paragraph to complete.  Another day has been done.  A new day will soon begin.  This week is almost halfway done.  The weekend will soon arrive.  Time progresses.  Time moves forward.  And with luck, the choices I make in life are the correct choices.  With luck, I'm heading in the right direction.  I'm hoping that I'm heading towards the start of some amazing adventures.  I'm hoping to enjoy some brand new experiences.  The chance to grow and evolve is always a moment to take delight in.  And so I look at the computer screen as I type out this Internet blog.  One more day.  Day is replaced by night.  Night is replaced by day.  The cycle of life continues and I can't wait to see what my next destination will be.
And as I'm lost in thought as I surf the Internet, here are some photos of Zhang Ziyi.

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