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Review: Avon Color Trend Kiss'n'go Lipstick in Amour

Hey Beauties!

For Valentine's Day Avon surprised us bloggers with a cute Valentine's inspired package. Among other products there was also their Color Trend Kiss'n'go lipstick in shade Amour. I was actually admiring it in the catalog, because it had such a pretty heart design on it. 

It comes in a pink plastic packaging, a bit cheaper one looking. On the packaging are light pink hearts and a bow. In the middle it's transparent and you can see the lipstick. 

The bullet has super pretty hearts embossed in it and it's such a cute touch. I think Color Trend line is targeted more toward teenagers, but I'm not sure. It seems so, because of the design and prices. 

Regular price of it is 4€ and in it is 3.6 grams of product. It actually comes in 4 shades. I got the shade Amour, which is warm light pink. 

I compared it with some other shades. MAC Patisserie is brownier pink, while Avon 3D Plumping Lipstick in Stolen Kisses and Avon True Colour Perfectly Matte Lipstick in Pure Pink are both a lot more intense and darker. Stolen Kisses is brighter and a bit more peach, while Pure Pink is a bit more of a dirty pink.

It's a very creamy lipstick with lots of shine. It's almost like a hybrid of lip balm and lipstick. The formula actually reminds me a bit of the MAC Lustre finish, but it's less buildable than MAC's. This is definitely for those who like lighter shades with lighter coverage. It also means that it's one of those fuss free products that you can apply on the go and don't have to worry about it being perfect.

It stays shiny for a long time. If your lips are dry, it does get a bit more matte through the day, but I just always reapply it. It's obviously not long lasting

On the lips it feels moisturizing and very comfortable, like a lip balm, but slightly heavier. 

It has a vanilla spicy cookie smell.

Lightweight, creamy, shiny lipsticks perfect for those that don't like full on lipsticks, but want a bit of color. Light warm pink shade will suit many different skin tones. What sells is the most it's the super pretty heart design. This would be a great gift for anyone that appreciates small details like that. 

*Avon sent me this product.

Za Valentinovo je Avon presenetil blogerke z Valentinovim paketom. Med ostalimi izdelki je bila tudi Color Trend Kiss'n'go šminka v odtenku Amour. Jaz sem jo občudovala že v katalogu, ker mi je bil zelo všeč dizajn s srčki.

Šminka ima živo roza barvo in embalaža je plastična. Izgled je bolj podoben poceni embalažam. Na roza barvi so natiskani svetlo roza srčki s puščico. Na sredini je embalaža prozorna in skozi njo lahko vidite šminko.

V šminko so odtisnjeni srčki, kar je res luškano. Zdi se mi, da je linija Color Trend namenjena najstnikom, ampak nisem prepričana. Predvidevam zaradi nižjih cen in na sploh dizajna izdelkov.

Redna cena šminke je 4€ in v njej je 3.6 gramov izdelka. Dobite jo lahko v štirih odtenki. Moj odtenek se imenuje Amour in je toplo svetlo roza. 

Primerjala sem jo z drugimi odtenki šmink. MAC Patisserie je bolj rjavkasta, med tem ko sta Avon 3D Plumping šminka v odtenku Stolen Kisses in Avon True Colour Perfectly Matte šminka v odtenku Pure Pink bolj intenzivni in temnejši. Stolen Kisses je bolj živa in rahlo bolj breskvasta, med tem ko je Pure Pink bolj umazano roza. 

Je zelo kremna šminka z veliko sijaja. Gre skoraj za hibrid med balzamom za ustnice in šminko. Formula me precej spominja na Lustre finiš od MAC-a, samo da se pri MAC lahko intenzivnost nadgrajuje. To je zagotovo šminka za tiste, ki imajo radi svetle odtenke z zelo rahlo prekrivnostjo. Je tudi izdelek, ki ga lahko vržete v torbico in z lahkoto naneste na poti, ker je precej nezahteven. 

Sijaj ostane na ustnicah kar dolgo. Če imate bolj suhe ustnice, bo šminka čez čas postala manj sijoča, ko se posuši. Jaz jo nanašam večkrat dnevno. Seveda ni dolgo obstojna. 

Na ustnicah deluje vlažilno in udobno kot balzam za ustnice, samo rahlo "težja".  

Diši po vaniliji in keksih. 

Lahkotna, kremasta, sijoča šminka za vse, ki ne marajo šmink, a vseeno želijo malo barve na svojih ustnicah. Svetlo toplo roza odtenek bo pristajal različnim poltem. Najlepše na tej šminki je zagotovo srčkast dizajn. To bi bilo odlično darilo za tiste, ki cenijo take detajle. 

*Avon mi je poslal ta izdelek. 

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