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The totally doable I have a life challenge! - Tribal splatter

Hello there my cool peeps!! I have some tribal nails today and not gonna lie I really love this design. So it happened that this design coincided with the 5K that I did (last Saturday) and I wanted to combine this theme with that. The 5K I did was called The Colour Run and from the title it's quite self-explanatory. It's a rather colourful run. I got a t-shirt for it and decided to use the colour scheme and concept for this tribal design.

So here is my creation. I did a kind of monochromatic tribal and put some paint splats over it. I love it; maybe it's the contrast with the black and white and the bright colours. I like the added silver, I think black by itself would've been very overwhelming to the design. Also paint splats look awesome, I've never done them before (or a proper splatter manicure, I should get to that). I was really unsure if this design was going to work (by 3rd nail I thought I had failed), but hallelujah it did!! The outlines of the splats actually really helped.

Now the easy to do this would be to paint the tribal then paint splat on top. But no I never take the easy way. I knew the colours would show up better on the white so I started with the paint splats. As usual it was a toothpick affair and I think the best method is to just be loose and free with the curvy lines. Then I did some little lines.
I made things hard for myself by adapting the tribal around the already existing splats (with the little extra dots). It was hard, and I was making up the tribal design on the fly based on generic tribal designs. I did like the tribal design I was ultimately able to come up with. It still looked a bit off. But yay for outlines!! They saved everything :)

White: No.7 - Snowflake and M&S - Light Mix (which added a nice delicate touch in some lightings)
Black: Lovely Me:Ex - Black
Silver: w7 - Silver Mirror
Green: China Glaze - I'm With The Lifeguard
Dark Green: Barry M - Kiwi
Yellow: American Apparel - Neon Yellow
Mustard: Topshop - Naked
Orange: Models Own - Beach Party
Darker Orange: Bourjois - Tangerine Fatal and Essie - Fear Or Desire
Pink: Nails Inc - Notting Hill Gate
Dark Pink: Barry M - Fuchsia
Teal: Barry M - Guava
Dark Teal: M&S - Peacock

That writing was originally black
Oo surprise bonus picture, of me!! :O Ok you can't really see me but I just wanted to show my nails with the t-shirt to show the colour scheme. This was me after the 5K, and I'm glad I did it even though I am extremely unfit because I hate exercise haha.
So the thing that happened during this run was that people threw coloured flour at you and this picture doesn't even describe how messy I looked!! You can only see a little bit of colour but my shower was thoroughly pink and purple (the only colours that really stuck) and that flour was seriously everywhere. You don't even want to know :P

Thank you so much for reading and I hope you have a wonderful day!! :D

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