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Matt Damon's Secret Life

Matt Damon joked about a rough sex scene while filming his new movie "Suburbicon". Before I go any further, here is what I think Suburbicon is about. Keep in mind I know only the title of the movie. I have read nothing else whatsoever about it except for the fact that it stars Julianne Moore, and Matt Damon, and the title of the story where he talks about rough sex. I haven't even read that story yet. Okay here goes, here's what I think Suburbicon is about...
Suburbicon is a movie about the stifling reality of living in the suburbs where on the surface everyone is happy just keeping up with the Jones' but in reality they're all desperately lonely/bored/secretly crazy/drug addicted/broken people because Hollywood has never ever produced a ground breaking movie like that before and the suburbs are really ripe for getting this kind of treatment because it's never, ever been done to death.
The End
 I could be wrong so if you see this movie, which I actually sort of doubt you will, let me know how close I came to describing it. Ayyway Matt Damon talked about rough sex yada yada yada...
 "I like it rough. I didn't realize how rough I like it. Then I got home and I was like, 'Wow.'
Fascinating. Just when you thought Matt Damon couldn't get anymore boring. I don't really have anything against Matt Damon. In fact I never really think about him at all. He's just sort of there, like a brown shirt in a drawer you avoid wearing that you keep meaning to give to Goodwill but you just havern't gotten around too it yet.

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